Olsson RB, Ritland JS, Bjrnsson OM, Syrdalen P, Eide N, Overgrd R. A retrospective study of patients with retained nuclear fragments after cataract extraction. Even when a trial ended in favor of a defendant and no payment was made to the plaintiff, the legal expenses were nearly twice that of claims that settled. In addition to alleged negligent cataract surgery with retained lens fragments, placement of the wrong IOL was cited as a contributing negligence in 3 cases: (1) placement of wrong-powered IOL handed to the surgeon by a nurse; (2) not having the correct type of IOL to insert in the setting of capsular rupture, resulting in increased likelihood of subsequent dislocation of IOL; and (3) placement of wrong-powered IOL due to incorrect transfer of A-scan data by a technician. In addition to corneal edema, inflammation from the lens material can result in elevated intraocular pressure that is significant enough to require pressure-lowering medication or development of glaucoma and potential visual field loss that require additional surgical intervention. The data collected were chosen based on the review of the literature to have a potential relevance to the outcome of litigations in ophthalmology916 or to the clinical outcomes2065 and were obtainable from the available documents from OMIC. Early vitrectomy was considered to be between days 3 and 7 after the cataract surgery in their study. The claimant was a 74-year-old woman who had been a patient of the plaintiff for 2 years. The lower number of claims in the recent years may indicate increased awareness by the cataract surgeons in optimal management of this complication. Furthermore, certain eyes are known to have an increased risk for developing this complication, including eyes with prior trauma, pseudoexfoliation, dense cataract, and history of having had prior vitrectomy surgery.42,49 Therefore, additional care should be taken during the cataract surgery in these eyes. The time between the date of cataract surgery and the date of evaluation by a specialist to further manage the complications of retained lens fragments was a median of 7 days (range, same day to 15 months) in this study. 19851989. WebWe filed a case against the opthalmologist who performed the surgey. The number of cases in each visual acuity grouping for claims with payment and no payment is also shown. The data accumulation adhered to the Declaration of Helsinki and conformed with all federal and state laws and HIPAA guidelines. Therefore, appropriate management of elevated intraocular pressure is necessary to reduce poor patient outcome. Light sensitivity after cataract surgery After cataract removal, a little bit of light sensitivity is expected due to dryness in the eye. The patient claimed that the physician should have The retina specialist confirmed that the IOL was well positioned without vitreous in the anterior segment. Managing a dropped nucleus during the phacoemulsification learning curve. In one case of alleged delayed referral, the defendant stated that he made a call immediately after the complication to a retina specialist regarding recommendation for the management, but the retina specialist stated that he did not recall the conversation. Currently OMIC is the largest insurer of ophthalmologists, with 40% of the market share, and has twice as many ophthalmologists as policyholders as the next largest insurer of ophthalmologists.17 Claims data from OMIC has been utilized in other previous studies related to ophthalmology.911 The OMIC Risk Management Committee gave approval for this study and granted access to the data under agreements protecting the identities of the patients, surgeons, and institutions. Learn how we can help. This study was not designed to answer whether claims resulted from lack of adherence to practice guidelines or standard of care. Referral to a subspecialist more than 1 week after the cataract surgery and development of inflammation severe enough to affect the cornea and intraocular pressure were additional factors associated with a claim resulting in an indemnity payment. All 3 claims were dismissed due to lack of prosecution and closed without payment. An anterior vitrectomy was performed. Final visual acuity was the last recorded visual acuity. Factors associated with these claims and claims outcomes were analyzed. One of the ways to reduce the complication of retained lens fragments could be monitoring and reducing the possibility of a sudden patient movement during surgery. Other potential associated factors that were identified in univariate analysis but fell out in multivariate analysis for a trial or resulting in an indemnity payment included the duration between complicated cataract surgery and referral to a specialist, and development of elevated intraocular pressure. Regan JJ, Regan WM. Conservative management could be considered for eyes with good baseline visual acuity. This division allowed additional information regarding the duration between opening and closing of the claim and legal expenses for each group. CF, counting fingers; HM, hand motions; NLP, no light perception. A recent study recommended that the cataract surgeon perform an anterior vitrectomy and place a posterior chamber IOL if possible, prior to referral to a subspecialist in order to achieve better visual outcome.37 Based on the current study findings, it is recommended that the cataract surgeons avoid aggressive intraoperative manipulations to remove retained lens fragment in order to minimize the risk of retinal detachment. Follow Posted 4 years ago, 24 users are following. The technical lens was suppose to give me even better vision in the right eye. Therefore, claims related to cataract surgery accounted for 33% of all closed claims during this period, and cataract surgeries complicated by retained lens fragments accounted for 4% of all closed claims and 12.5% of cataract-related claims. The management of dislocated lens material after phacoemulsification. The costs including indemnity payments and defense costs are summarized in Table 5. On average, a claim took 28.8 21.2 months to close. The case was closed with an indemnity payment of $215,000. Legal outcomes were categorized as those claims resulting in a trial, settlement, or dismissal, and indemnity payment was evaluated for those claims ending in a settlement or in favor of the plaintiff after a trial. In these early referral cases, the claim was more likely to be dismissed. The average insurance company payment - mostly settlements -- in these cases were $112,000. Therefore, it appears that earlier referral is one of the ways a cataract surgeon can improve risk management. Acknowledgments: J.K. would like to thank Dr Harry Flynn Jr for critical reading of the manuscript, his mentorship, and getting her interested in the topic of retained lens fragments. Among 117 closed claims that were related to cataract surgery complicated by retained lens fragments, 9 cases had multiple claims, including 8 cases where both the physician and the OMIC-insured entity were named in the suit and one case where two OMIC-insured physicians were named. Even when an IOL was initially placed at the time of complicated cataract surgery, subsequent dislocation of IOL occurred in 6 cases. Sloan FA, Mergenhagen PM, Burfield B, Bovbjerg RR, Hassan M. Medical malpractice experience of physicians: predictable or haphazard. Postoperatively, the patient developed hypotony and fibrin reaction. As noted already, the majority of claims are dropped, dismissed, or closed without payment. Florida and Louisiana each had 10 claims. 4,11,79,8385 Medical liability claims are more common among older physicians than among young, yet inexperienced, physicians, because the older physicians have been in practice for a longer period of time and have had greater exposure to the possibility of claims. Risk management lessons from a review of 168 cataract surgery claims. Time between cataract surgery and referral to a subspecialist was a median of 7 days, ranging from the same day as the cataract surgery to 15 months after cataract surgery. Posterior-assisted levitation in cataract surgery. Vanner EA, Stewart MW. The median time to referral was 1 week in this study. Although the final visual acuity was important, the most important factor associated with going to a trial or resulting in an indemnity payment was found to be the amount of visual acuity loss following cataract surgery complicated by retained lens fragments, such that the greater the difference between the baseline visual acuity and the final visual acuity, the greater the likelihood of a claim resulting in a trial or indemnity payment. The .gov means its official. The mean age was 69 years (range, 4090 years). The attorney listings on this site are paid attorney advertising. Bovbjerg RR, Petronis KR. Each claim was counted separately as a unique case. Of the 108 defendants, 105 (97%) were cataract surgeons and only 3 (3%) were retinal surgeons. In all cases, final visual acuity was 20/200 or worse, including 2 cases of no light perception. The plaintiff alleges that on June 17, 2013 she underwent a second surgery on her left eye to install the proper implant and that afterward she continued to have difficulty seeing out of the eye. CF, counting fingers; HM, hand motions; NLP, no light perception. All variables significant in the univariate analyses were included in a multivariate logistic regression model. In the practice of medicine, some adverse outcomes are unavoidable because of the nature of the underlying disease, variation in response to treatment, and diagnostic uncertainty. The Note that time to referral was log2-transformed, so an increase of one unit means doubling of time. Overall, IOL had to be removed, sutured, inserted, or exchanged during pars plana vitrectomy by a retinal specialist in 17 (16%) of 108 cases. Murat Uyar O, Kapran Z, Akkan F, Cilsim S, Eltutar K. Vitreoretinal surgery for retained lens fragments after phacoemulsification. The remaining 76 claims (70%) closed without any payments. Professional liability insurance: II The legal environment. When intraocular pressure or inflammation cannot be managed adequately or cystoid macular edema is detected, the patient should be definitely referred to a specialist. Studdert DM, Mello MM, Gawande AA, et al. In one case, the physicians honesty was questioned when the operative note was dictated 1 week after the incident and appeared to be dictated in a manner to cover up the damages. The new PMC design is here! Therefore, the total cost of malpractice claims for these 108 cases was nearly $7 million. Of the 66 claims that were dismissed, Texas had the most claims with 14, followed by Louisiana with 9, California with 8, Illinois with 7, Virginia and Florida each with 4, Kentucky and Colorado each with 3, Arizona, Michigan, and Missouri each with 2, and Alabama, Massachusetts, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Washington, DC, each with one claim. ESTIMATES FROM THE MULTIVARIATE LOGISTIC REGRESSION MODEL FOR INDEMNITY PAYMENT AMONG CATARACT SURGERIES COMPLICATED BY RETAINED LENS FRAGMENTS. Vilar NF, Flynn HW, Jr, Smiddy WE, Murray TG, Davis JL, Rubsamen PE. WebMedical board investigations are now often triggered by mandatory reports from surgery centers and hospitals. National Library of Medicine If you've suffered an adverse outcome after cataract surgery, you might be wondering if you can or should sue your eye doctor for medical malpractice. This article discusses the most common risks of cataract surgeries, how to prove medical malpractice, and the challenges you will face in a cataract surgery medical malpractice lawsuit. The number peaked in 1997 with 11 cases and again in 2001, 2003, and 2004 with 13 cases each year. The defense expert stated that (1) it is unclear as to when the vitreous prolapsed, since it was not noted at the time of postoperative examinations by the cataract surgeon or even by the retina specialist at the initial consultation, (2) the standard of care does not require that every rupture of the posterior capsule be recognized, and (3) following treatment for the retinal detachment, the patient attained a visual acuity of 20/25, which indicated a successful management of this complication. Retinal detachment in patients with retained lens fragments or dislocated posterior chamber intraocular lenses. Hickson GB, Clayton EW, Githens PB, Sloan FA. Yang CS, Lee FL, Hsu WM, Liu JH. Yet three or four years ago, UCLA surgeons Monshizadeh R, Samiy N, Haimovici R. Management of retained intravitreal lens fragments after cataract surgery. Retained nuclear fragments in the anterior chamber after phacoemulsification with an intact posterior capsule. Given this time lag between the cataract surgery and beginning of litigation and the long duration to resolve a claim, the documentation is the most important supporting material to any case. The average cataract surgery settlement was for $192,865. In the multivariate analysis, only the amount of change between preoperative and final visual acuity ( logMAR visual acuity) was found to be statistically significant in predicting more severe legal outcome. Among the 12 claims that resulted in a jury trial, 2 cases resulted in indemnity payment. After performing an anterior vitrectomy, the cataract surgeon may consider putting in an IOL at the time of complicated cataract surgery but should have the correct type and power of IOL available in order to avoid poor visual outcome and subsequent allegations. May M, Stengel B. However, when refractive surprises occur with no warning after routine cataract surgery, it is important to stay calm. Claims data from the Ophthalmic Mutual Insurance Company (OMIC) represent a unique opportunity to examine the medicolegal risks associated with ophthalmology. He was referred to a retina specialist, who saw him the next day. However, optimal timing of vitrectomy is unknown, and the effect of vitrectomy timing on clinical outcomes has been highly controversial.2041,74,78 Therefore, there is currently no clarity in best time to refer to a specialist in cases of cataract surgeries complicated by retained lens fragment or the time between referral to vitrectomy. Previous studies have shown that the incidence of posterior capsule rupture and posterior dislocation of lens material is higher in cases with residents in training than with cataract surgeons who are experienced at phacoemulsification.94 Although none of the cases in this study resulted from a resident case, one case did involve a cataract surgeon who was overseeing a cataract surgery being performed by his colleague in the transition phase. You should consult with an attorney in your state as soon as possible. Time limitations apply so be aware of them. Check Avvo for a listing of atto Beckman HB, Markakis KM, Suchman AL, Frankel RM. Associated factors were analyzed for (1) going on to a trial or settlement rather than being dismissed, and for (2) indemnity payment vs no payment. Bhan A, Dave D, Vernon SA, Bhan K, Bhargava J, Goodwin H, Medical Defense Union; Medical Protection Society; Medical and Dental Defense Union of Scotland Risk management strategies following analysis of cataract negligence claims. In another case, the operative note was the usual macro for standard cataract surgery and did not seem to take into account the problems encountered during the surgery. Web7031 Koll Center Pkwy, Pleasanton, CA 94566. This may reflect bias in reporting surgical cases in the literature related to this complication or tendency toward legal actions when the patient feels not enough was done with observation alone. The vitrectomy probe was inserted in an attempt to aspirate the lens, but the lens could not be aspirated to be removed. Please reference the Terms of Use and the Supplemental Terms for specific information related to your state. Accessibility These manipulations included use of a lens loop, an attempt at impaling the lens with a microvitreoretinal blade, irrigation to float the lens, and pars plana vitrectomy by the cataract surgeon. In another study, the number of claims resulting in indemnity payment for ophthalmology was similar to the number for dermatology, internal medicine, and gastroenterology, and the mean and median payments for ophthalmology claims were slightly less than the mean indemnity payment of $274,887 and the median of $111,749 across 25 specialties.5 Therefore, the claims related to retained lens fragments appear to have lower indemnity payment on average when compared to malpractice claims across all specialties. For this study, a P value <.05 was considered significant. will also be available for a limited time. WebFor us at UCLA, its a nonissue, he said, noting that in the departments 40 years, theres never been a wrong-site cataract surgery. CF, counting fingers; HM, hand motions; LP, light perception; MVR, microvitreoretinal; NLP, no light perception; PPL, pars plana lensectomy; PPV, pars plana vitrectomy; RD, retinal detachment; VA, visual acuity. Therefore, cases that start out with poor visual acuity and end up with poor final visual acuity are less likely to result in a trial, settlement, or indemnity payment than cases with relatively good preoperative visual acuity that end up with poor final visual acuity. Duty to treat means that a doctor-patient relationship must be established prior to the alleged negligent act. Four patients declined any further surgery. There was another 29 months on average until the closure of a claim. Retained intravitreal lens fragments after cataract surgery. The complication of capsular tear and retained lens fragments was further aggravated by development of corneal wound dehiscence, corneal ulcer, and endophthalmitis. Poorly documented cases were deemed more difficult to defend, whereas claims with aggressive intraocular manipulation by the cataract surgeon resulting in retinal detachment were more likely to result in poor final visual acuity and were more likely to go to a trial or settle. Design/methodology/approach In this mixed-methods study, the SEIPS framework was used to analyse a series of (near) misses of IOL Even when an IOL has been inserted by the cataract surgeon, the retinal surgeon should be prepared to manage subsequent complications of dislocated or malpositioned IOL, as was the case in some of the claims in this study. Because visual acuity outcomes are often poor in eyes with associated retinal detachment, and the degree of loss of visual acuity is found to be a significant risk factor for a claim resulting in a trial or a payment, it is important to minimize retinal detachment by avoiding aggressive measures to handle dislocated lens material by the cataract surgeon. Vitrectomy with endoscopy for management of retained lens fragments and/or posteriorly dislocated intraocular lens. Whether the findings of this study are representative depends on whether physicians who were covered by the insurance carrier of this study were more or less likely to be sued than physicians who were insured elsewhere. After doing an investigation we discovered that ophthalmologists used the wrong replacement lens. The term claim was used in this study to include suits, unless specified. In 91 eyes, preoperative visual acuity was recorded for both eyes. For instance, indemnity payment by OMIC is 21% less than ophthalmic claims payment by the next largest insurer of ophthalmologists when settlement was required.97 Therefore, payment amount in this study using OMIC data would be on the lower side compared to the combined indemnity payment from all insured ophthalmologists. A cataract is a clouding of the natural lens inside the eye due to many different causes, like aging, toxic exposures, or injury. The mean defense costs per claim were $30,692. Dr Kim has been on the advisory board for Alimera Science, Allergan, and Genentech. Of these cases, 11% went to trial, 28% settled, and 61% were dismissed. All of these cases had a final visual acuity of 20/200 or worse, and 5 of 7 of these claims either went on to a trial or settled. Ho LY, Doft BH, Wang L, Bunker CH. Claims that settled during the trial or prior to the start date of the trial were included in the settlement group. Simon and colleagues12 found that the most common surgical confusion in ophthalmology was use of the wrong IOL implants. The patients visual acuity prior to cataract surgery was 20/200 and at the last follow-up, 5 months following vitrectomy, was 20/80. What is the recovery after cataract or lens replacement surgery? Aasuri MK, Kompella VB, Majji AB. Furthermore, these malpractice claims data can be used to identify ways to improve patient safety, develop risk management programs, and provide an excellent opportunity to enhance patient care related to an ophthalmic subspecialty or an ophthalmic procedure. Time to additional surgical procedures such as vitrectomy was at the discretion of the subspecialist. Dr. Poole performed cataract surgery on DeFrankos eyes over the course of one month. Jena AB, Seabury S, Lakdawalla D, Chandra A. The remaining 9 cases (10%) were left aphakic by the cataract surgeon. According to this report, 42% of physicians have been sued for medical malpractice at some point in their careers and 20% were sued at least twice during their careers.2 This survey found a wide variation in the incidence of liability claims between specialties. Gender of the physician was not found to be a significant predictor of indemnity payment of the claims outcomes (Tables 6 and and77). Physicians with higher clinical activity also may have greater exposure or deal with more complex medical situations. The items collected during the review of the claims are listed in Table 1. 23-gauge transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy for retained lens fragments after complicated cataract surgery. If observation is considered, close follow-up is recommended for timely detection of increased intraocular pressure, cystoid macular edema, or retinal detachment. He also damaged the film over the For the use in multivariate modeling, an optimal transformation from the Box-Cox family was calculated for each nonnegative continuous variable. Some studies found that there was a decreased incidence of retinal detachment, glaucoma, or cystoid macular edema in early vitrectomy group compared to delay of more than 1 week to 1 month.34,3740 Others found only a trend toward better visual acuity outcome with earlier vitrectomy.32,33,36 Yet others found that there was no difference in terms of the incidence of retinal detachment or glaucoma or visual acuity outcome with the timing of vitrectomy.2031,35, Furthermore, there is no clear evidence that all patients with retained lens fragments need to be referred or need surgical management. In the second case, a male patient with advanced posterior subcapsular cataract in the left eye underwent cataract surgery with phacoemulsification in 1996, reportedly without complications. DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS OF THE ANALYSIS VARIABLES BY CLAIMSOUTCOME ASSOCIATED WITH RETAINED LENS FRAGMENT. WebThere has been a large interest over the years in clinical outcomes and management of retained lens fragments as evidenced by the substantial number of articles continuing to In 47 claims where the referral to a specialist was greater than 1week, 47% of claims went on to a trial or a settlement and a total of $1,986,000 were paid to the plaintiff. Data on age was available for 101 claimants. 8600 Rockville Pike Stilma JS, van der Sluijs FA, van Meurs JC, Mertens DA. Clinical features and outcomes of pars plana vitrectomy in patients with retained lens fragments after phacoemulsification. Hui JI, Fishler J, Karp CL, Shuler MF, Gedde SJ. Retained lens fragments can be successfully managed by the retina specialists in most cases. In the last 2 years the femtosecond laser has been developed to assist in cataract surg Read More. After the trial, the jurors were polled. Causes of cataract surgery malpractice claims in England 19952008. Also, claims with worse final visual acuity tended to have higher indemnity payments (Figure 6). There has been a large interest over the years in clinical outcomes and management of retained lens fragments as evidenced by the substantial number of articles continuing to be written on this topic.1978 The incidence of retained or dropped lens fragments during cataract surgery is estimated to be between 0.1% and 1.6% of cataract surgeries.18,19,23,29,45,54,64 There are numerous articles to indicate that a capsular tear with retained lens fragment is a well-known complication of cataract surgery.2049 Studies show that reasonably favorable visual outcome can be obtained with intervention usually in the form of pars plana vitrectomy.2049,7477 Therefore, encountering this complication in itself would not be a malpractice. Distribution of closed claims related to retained lens fragments by region in the United States. All variables significant at a 10% level in the univariate analyses were included in a multivariate proportional odds regression model. WebUltrasound: The predominant technology for cataract removal is ultrasound. 0 likes, 62 replies Report / Delete New discussion Reply 62 Replies Ho and colleagues37 recommended that cataract surgeons refer patients with retained lens fragments to a retina specialist within 7 days for consideration of a pars plana vitrectomy to decrease the risk of developing secondary glaucoma. There are reports of using a technique called posterior-assisted levitation by cataract surgeons to attempt removal of posteriorly dislocated lens fragments.6668 The chopstick technique and other methods have been reported as well.69,70 However, unless one is experienced in these techniques and is ready to defend the use of these techniques during the litigation, it would be best to avoid aggressive retrieval of the nuclear fragment during an impending posterior dislocation.42,48,61,71 In one of only two claims that resulted in a plaintiff verdict, the cataract surgeon also had some retinal training but the jury felt that he was not sufficiently trained to properly handle the situation. From the Department of Ophthalmology (Dr Kim) and the Division of Biostatistics (Dr Szabo), Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee,Wisconsin, and Ophthalmic Mutual Insurance Company, San Francisco, California (Mr Weber). about navigating our updated article layout. Development of corneal edema was statistically significantly associated with an indemnity payment but not for a trial. Male physicians may have a higher likelihood of being sued because male physicians are historically concentrated in the specialties with the highest levels of claim incidence, such as surgery, and female physicians in those with the lowest incidences, such as pediatrics. Those with valid cataract surgery malpractice Malpractice, in contrast, requires demonstration of negligence, defined as substandard care that resulted in harm.1 Malpractice suits are usually based on the legal theory of negligence, requiring the presence of the following four elements: (1) duty to treat, (2) breach of duty, (3) cause, and (4) damages. Accounting for these factors, there were 108 unique cataract surgeries that met the inclusion criteria and were the basis for the current analyses. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Rofagha S, Bhisitkul RB. Among 108 patient claimants, 54 were men and 54 were women. Pars plana vitrectomy in the management of retained intravitreal lens fragments after cataract surgery. Because the patient was receiving warfarin therapy, pneumatic retinopexy was performed. The model was simplified using backward selection keeping all predictors with a P value of .25 or less. Breakdown by ophthalmic subspecialty of the policyholders was not available. Thirty-four cases had other complications, including endophthalmitis, vitreous hemorrhage, choroidal detachment, macular hole formation, central retinal artery occlusion, uveitis, anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, floaters, and epiretinal membrane. The estimated effects of each predictor are shown in Table 8. Your use of this website constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Use, Supplemental Terms, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. Arbisser LB, Charles S, Howcroft M, Werner L. Management of vitreous loss and dropped nucleus during cataract surgery. 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