When Vecna's clock chimed four times, Nancy was visibly horrified to discover Max was gone. Some fans speculate that its because Will is even more closely tied to the Upside Down that we already know. Nancy awoke to find Dustin, who was supposed to watch Max, passed out. The two teens don't get much of a lead on their own, but they do manage to access the lab and talk to Dr. Owens. When confronted by Tom in his office, Nancy tried to settle an argument, only for Tom to fire both her and Jonathan. However, despite her verbal annoyance with him, Nancy clearly cared about his safety, and later thanked Steve for protecting Mike from the Demodogs. Eye color Acting Tips. After realizing his mistakes, he went to the Byers house in order to apologize. Nancy Wheeler may seem like the girl next door at first, but the Stranger Things fan-favorite character has tons of badass, inspirational quotes. When making a sensory deprivation tank at Hawkins Middle, Mike was impressed when Nancy broke the lock to the school shed to get supplies. She and Jonathan eventually discover that a monster is behindboth Barb and Will'sdisappearances. It's a phrase used by people who are used to others telling them "no," but know that sometimes, they have to push forward anyway. Some things don't make sense about the Upside Down, but one thing is for sure it's a scary place. When Nancy discovered that her home was being raided by government agents, she attempted to run to them, but was stopped by Hopper, who told her that the last thing her parents needed was to discover she was involved in what was going on. After a talk with her mother, Nancy overcame the cruelty she endured from the journalists at the Hawkins Post and reconciled with Jonathan. When she reunited with Jonathan, Nancy was happy to see him, but denied that there were problems in their relationship. So in short, his motivations dont seem to be that complicated: destroy Eleven and destroy humanity, all under the pretense of doing it for a better world unencumbered by humanitys stain. However, after the story was rejected which left Nancy cruelly insulted, she ignored Jonathan's attempts to comfort her. In 1983, Nancy was unaware that Eleven was being kept in her basement by her brother. Nancy barely revealed her sadness and guilt to anyone but Steve and Jonathan. She is the older sister of Mike Wheeler, the former girlfriend of Steve Harrington, and the current girlfriend of Jonathan Byers. No school. In 1986, Nancy met up with Dustin again where he, along with Steve, Robin, and Max Mayfield, informed of an entity from the Upside Down known as Vecna was responsible for committing a murder spree in Hawkins. After discovering Barbara had been killed, Nancy was comforted by Jonathan and the two worked together in trying to kill the Demogorgon. Nancy is an aspiring journalist, and an ally to "the Party". Who knows at this point. Knowing her mom and family were in possible danger, she opted to go back into the Upside Down to kill Vecna. But how Vecna has been executing this vision is a bit more complex. By the summer of 1985, Nancy and Jonathan became interns for the Hawkins Post, where Nancy was frequently disrespected by her boss Tom Holloway and colleagues, including Bruce Lowe Working late one night, she answered a call about diseased rats in the town and secretly investigated with Jonathan. As his parents pressed him to arrive home from Hellfire Club early, Nancy yelled his name and to him to go. She has a firm dedication to academics and is keenly aware of how run-of-the-mill her suburban life is. Acting Career. The two assist the gang in defeating the Mind Flayer using Lucas' fireworks. Nancy's main goal in season 2 is to expose the lab and their involvement in Barb's death. At a Halloween party, Nancy became intoxicated, leading her to reveal that she did not have feelings for him, which emotionally crushes Steve. While at the Snow Ball a month later, Nancy and Jonathan started a relationship. Slowly, the two put together the pieces of the puzzle, and realized a monster from another dimension had kidnapped Barb and Will. She tells Bruce to "go to hell," revealing her hatred for him, before killing him. Afterwards, Murray was able to notice Nancy's feelings for Jonathan and encouraged her to embrace them. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Inevitably, Nancy jumps in and Robin jumps in after her. When that Demogorgon escaped into our world, it was able to create multiple temporary gates between the two dimensions, such as the one in Wills room and the one Nancy goes through in the base of the tree. Of Course, Eddie's Upside Down Song Was Perfect! A weekly roundup of the best things from Polygon. No Castle Byers. When Nancy started working at the Hawkins Post, she strove to work hard and do her best. When investigating Chrissy Cunningham's death, Nancy addressed herself as Max's friend to Wayne Munson, Max's neighbor and the uncle of Eddie Munson, the suspect of Chrissy's murder. When not writing or working, you can probably find him in the cinema or at home keeping up with the latest releases. With part of the truth exposed, Hawkins Lab shut down and Barb was finally given a funeral which Nancy attended with Barb's parents. In 1986, Nancy continued pursuing journalism by working for her school's newspaper. A monologue is a place where a single person speaks for an extensive length of time, with no interruptions. When Henry Creel/One/Vecna (who we will hereafter refer to just as Vecna for simplicitys sake) first entered the Upside Down, the location he arrived at didnt appear to be a version of Hawkins, though. When Barb told Nancy she wasn't being herself, Nancy told Barb to go home, inadvertently hurting Barb's feelings. Updated on July 11, 2022 by Amanda Bruce:After a very badass Stranger Things season 4, Nancy hasshown her evolution from typical girl next door charactertoleader of a group of misfits and aspiring investigative journalist. In 1984, Nancy was shocked upon Eleven's return to the Byers' home, saving her and the others from Demodogs. It was in this moment that Vecna likely created the Upside Down hive mind, becoming the puppet master behind all the monsters while simultaneously growing stronger by absorbing their minds. RELATED:Millie Bobby Brown & 9 Other Stars Who Broke Out On Netflix. Stranger Things (2016): Season 3, Episode 2 - Chapter Two: The Mall Rats - full transcript. He's a lover of all things MCU, but also enjoys the more experimental and indie side of cinema with his favourite genres including subtle science-fiction and psychological thrillers, particularly the films of Alex Garland, Mike Cahill, and Lars von Trier. Mike's leaning into the love, he's giving her another source that she can draw on which both boosts her own confidence that she can do it as well as give her a power up- afterall, her first fight with Vecna she won because she remembered her mother saying 'I love you'. Likewise, Mike defended his sister's honor at the Palace Arcade, when Keith tried to convince him to get him a date with Nancy. Nancy even showed annoyance when someone spoke about her relationship with Jonathan and insisted everything was fine between the two of them. Natalia DyerShelby Young (Rebel Robin: Surviving Hawkins) Born The pink dress Eleven wears throughout the first season originally belonged to Nancy. Nancy: No, I mean I can't be late. The two also work together at the Hawkins Post. In 1986, Nancy was kept at a distance by Max as she was still grieving for Billy's death. Mike, confused, said that he was too. However, after entering a relationship with Steve she became more rebellious, lying and participating in activities she most likely wouldn't have done otherwise. Find more from Svetlana here: https://linktr.ee/svetlanasterlin. - On her budding friendship with Robin. After returning from the week he spent trapped in the Upside Down, Will was still haunted (literally) by his time there. Nancy is the only "victim" of Vecna's to be left unscathed, though she was treated as more of a messenger to tell Eleven Vecna's plans rather than used to break through the space-time continuum. Vecna proceeded to taunt Nancy, reprimanding her for leaving Barbara alone to be killed and eventually forgetting about her. After years of relocation, Svetlana Sterlin (she/her) was raised by her Russian parents in Brisbane, Australia, where she completed a BFA and contributes to ScreenRant and Our Culture Magazine. Nancy and Max reunited when they, Mike, Eleven, Lucas, Will, and Jonathan searched for the Flayed. When her mother wistfully wondered aloud where her daughter had gotten her fighting spirit, Nancy in turn assured her that it was her mother's spirit. Once fellow student Chrissy Cunningham was mysteriously murdered, Nancy sought to investigate and unlike her former co-workers from the Hawkins Post, she approached individuals kindly and sought only to write truthful stories, instead of gossip. After discovering Vecna's true identity and plans, Nancy and Dustin worked out a plan to kill Vecna. Her character and namesake appears to be derived from Nancy Thompson, the main character in the 1984 film. Based in sometimes-sunny Brighton, UK, he graduated with a masters degree in Creative Performance Practice from London South Bank University in 2019, having a passion for performing live on stage and creative writing, whether that be playscripts, poetry, or stories. Jonathan and Nancy become quite good friends after their adventures in Season 1. Sponsored . Back in Hawkins, the gang gathers supplies and prepares for battle. While carting them back inside, Nancy asked Mike what Eleven had been eating while she hid in their basement. However, after getting intoxicated at a Halloween party, Nancy vented her sadness, anger, and guilt out on Steve which caused her to reveal that she no longer loved him. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 89 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 16 | 1718 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 2526 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34. They, along with Steve, Robin, and Eddie entered the Upside Down where Dustin and Eddie distracted the Demobats while Nancy, Steve, and Robin snuck into the Creel House to kill Vecna as he invaded Max's mind. At the Hawkins Memorial Hospital, Nancy and Jonathan were confronted by both a possessed Tom and Bruce who attempted to kill both Nancy and Jonathan. Like all of the other characters living in Hawkins, Nancy Wheeler goes through a lot onStranger Things. Family Please enter a valid email and try again. There's one part of Steve, Nancy, and Robin'sStranger Thingsseason 4 finale story that is ridiculous. After temporarily defeating Vecna, Nancy and Dustin were able to escape from the Upside Down. As they did their research, Robin unintentionally began to annoy Nancy and made her feel awkward when she told her that she was not dating Steve, due being aware of the former's relationship with him. On the last day before Spring Break, Nancy stormed into Mike's bedroom to find him underdressed and reading a letter from El. In 1983, Nancy and Robin interact briefly at the movie theater where Nancy is on a date with Steve. Two days after Vecna's disappearance, Mike arrived to Hawkins alongside the Byers and Argyle. The temporary fix proved to be unsuccessful, as El collapsed from exhaustion at the Starcourt Mall, with the group discovering her leg has grown painfully infected. In Season 3, Nancy and Jonathanhave summer jobs at the Hawkins Post. They like you no matter what you do. Stranger Thingsseason 4, volume 2 was released on Netflix on July 1, satisfying awaiting viewers with a colossal 2-hour 20-minute finale that brought together all the plot points of the season while leaving many questions with a cliffhanger ending. "You said, 'the happiness of your friends'. Later, while going to get Mrs. Driscoll at the Hawkins Memorial Hospital so she can lead them to the Mind Flayer's hideout, Nancy reconciled with Jonathan. But before he could disintegrate completely, she unintentionally opened a gate to the Upside Down behind him, which Vecna then fell through. Because of the ridicule she received from her co-workers, Nancy was determined to receive the approval and recognition from her co-workers by going through such lengths to be treated equally and respectfully. Nancy formally met Eleven when Chief Jim Hopper rescued her, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas from the Department of Energy agents. Find this Pin and more on monologues by Alexie. Nancy protested by saying Mike was over there, but Hopper pointed to a helicopter and said that they haven't found him yet. Nancy tried to apologize to Steve for hurting his feelings, but Steve just calmly brushed it off. For the massive finale ofStranger Things season4, the Duffer Brothers had many stories to bring together and resolve. "My mom was young. These include the Mind Flayer, the terribly powerful, many-legged mist being; the Demogorgons, whose adolescent forms are called Demodogs; and Demobats, which can fly and may be smaller than Demogorgons, but are equally vicious. After the fight, a massive earthquake rocked Hawkins, creating four huge rifts in the earth that converged on the center of town. In Stranger Things 4 part 1, Nancy figured out that the Upside Down became frozen in time on Nov. 6, 1983, the same day Eleven opened the mothergate in Hawkins Lab and that Will disappeared. Nancy would soon assist in saving El from the Mind Flayer by pelting their enemy with Lucas' fireworks. A year later, Nancy's relationship with her mom seemed to have improved a little. However, Bruce made fun of Nancy because of her gender and wanting to be a journalist; thus was her main tormentor at the Post with Bruce mocking and calling Nancy, "Nancy Drew." However, surrounded by misogynistic co-workers, Nancy was belittled and mocked despite her treating her co-workers kindly. So, they worked together in making the evidence sound like that Barbara was killed by a chemical spill caused by the lab. RELATED: Nancy's 5 Best Traits In Stranger Things (& 5 Worst). Like a waking nightmare. There, he unexpectedly helped Nancy and Jonathan fight the Demogorgon. TV Stranger Things: NANCY AND ROBIN 2 Pack Target Exclusive! Bruce showed a strong desire to kill Nancy as he pursued and confronted her at the hospital. However, when her house was being searched by government agents, Nancy was concerned for her mom and dad. Due to being upset over Barbara's disappearance, Nancy is consoled by Robin and explains to her why she is upset over Barbara's disappearance. The Wheeler family Nancy's own guilt and frustration get in the way of her being able to enjoy anything else for a long time. When Vecna first entered the Upside Down, he wandered the wasteland until he came across a living cloud of dark mist, which was a primitive form of the Mind Flayer. But when Barb goes missing,Nancy knows she has to do something about it. Jonathan almost laughs at their perfect American story, and Nancy agrees. He and my mom started getting into fights. Lite Brite Stranger Things Special Edition - Best of 4 Seasons - Featuring Icons & Themes from The Netflix Series Includes High Definition Grid, 12 HD Templates, 650 Colorful Mini Pegs, Fans Thefirst episode of Stranger Things opens with a game of D&D in the basement, after which Dustin goes upstairs to offer Nancy a slice of pizza. But after receiving some encouragement from her mother, Nancy picked the story back up and discovered that the rats were linked to the same entity that possessed Will. When they reach the Upside Down version of the Creel house and see that it is riddled with vines, Robin becomes scared and holds Nancy's hand. The two had dated for nearly a year when their relationship was once again put in jeopardy; no longer being able to bear the guilt of Barbs death, Nancy told Steve they should tell the Hollands the truth. In 1984, a year after Barbara's death, Nancy decided to meet Murray Bauman, who was hired by Barbara's parents to investigate her disappearance, and confess that Hawkins Lab was responsible for the death of her friends. Nancy knows that if she can find answers, not having permission is worth it. Nancy treated Tom with respect and tried to earn his approval despite his and the rest of the male employees' constant abuse. She stormed off to her room as Mike smirked. Nancy considers this for a moment, then gets defensive. The latterbecomes a big part of Nancy's arc. However, everything changed when Barb vanished without a trace, prompting Nancy to team up with loner Jonathan Byers, whose younger brother Will had also vanished. Their relationship seems to behanging on by tenterhooks the entire time they're together, but especially in season 2. She insists that the lab is guilty of killing Barbara and that she will expose them for their crime. Nancy had Robin dress her clothes, much to her dismay, but became impressed when Robin successfully convinced Dr. Anthony Hatch to let them speak to Creel. Nancy wants justice so badly that she's ready to burn everything down. Dustin smiles. Nancy's nickname throughout the third season, "Nancy Drew," is the name of a girl detective in a series of books of the same name written by Carolyn Keene. Occupation [1] This eventually caused the pair to be fired, creating a rift between Nancy and Jonathan. Her plans might not always be the safest, but they are well-thought-out,as every member of the group has an important part to play. Nancy becomes an ally to her younger brother and his friends, but more than that, she becomes the person with the plan. Other relations BARBARA, 16, her best friend, a bit dorky, catches up. BARBARA So? Did he call? NANCY Keep your voice down -- A31 CONTINUED: A31 (CONTINUED) STRANGER THINGS #101 10/07/15 (YELLOW) 18. And if the boys science teacher was right in saying there are infinite variations of our world in alternate dimensions, there could even be several versions of the Upside Down out there. However, many have noticed that the trio in the Upside Downwere held up by their necks on the walls for a seemingly ridiculousamount oftime while other action-packed scenes were taking place. However, when Nancy became distant due to the disappearance of her friend Barb, Steve grew worried. There is slightly warping to the plastic insert. Nancy is hyper-intelligent and studious, having a high GPA and studying vigorously for tests. After Eleven revived Max, Nancy visited her comatose friend at the hospital. 1985 Then when a young Dungeons and Dragons playing boy named Will disappears after a night with his friends, his mother Joyce and the town of Hawkins are plunged into darkness. Another theory is that for years, the Upside Down remained the barren landscape we saw Vecna first enter, and it was only after the mothergate opened that the exact 1983 version of Hawkins was copied into the alternate dimension. Episode Number(s) 8 S04E08 04x08. Nancy tells Dustin that he is her favorite out of all of her brother's friends. During the match, Eleven was able to overpower Vecna, using her psychic abilities to keep him pinned to the Rainbow Room wall as his body disintegrated. 1986 She later admitted to having slept with Steve after being questioned by the police. Shepurposefully decides to take action and plot outhow to end the terrorin Hawkins. So they bought a nice house at the end of the culdesac and started their nuclear family." A rattled Billy has troubling visions. When Nancy said she did, Mike asked if her subject was "human anatomy", since he spotted Steve sneaking into Nancy's window the night prior. All we saw was a mountainous landscape and more electrical storms. Wheeler House, Maple Street, Hawkins, Indiana But Nancy immediately lied when Mike asked her if she liked Jonathan romantically, and Mike lied immediately when Nancy asked him if he liked Eleven romantically. Jonathan admits that he was wrong and Nancy was right. That night, after Karen forbade Nancy or Mike from leaving the house after dark, Nancy belittled this rule because "Mike's friend" got lost on his way home. Nancy slams the door in his face, but throughout season 1, it's clear that Dustin has a bit of a crush on her. Inside Hopper's car, he and Joyce pressed Nancy on where Mike would be, and Nancy admitted that haven't been communicating for a while. Instead, huge rifts between the worlds opened up throughout Hawkins, turning the entire city into the biggest gate yet. When they were attacked by a Flayed Tom and Bruce, Nancy and Jonathan did their best to protect each other. Season 2 found Will having visions of the Upside Down, vomiting up monster slugs, and being possessed by the Mind Flayer. Then maybe, after the Upside Down came into contact with the real Hawkins and/or Elevens powers when the mothergate opened, it disturbed his control over the realm and froze time as a result. In 1984, Nancy continues to have a bond with Jonathan as she invited him to Tina's Halloween Party. After Nancy, Steve, Robin, and Eddie get trapped in the Upside Down due to entering a gate at Lover's Lake, the four older teens manage to communicate with Dustin, Lucas, and Erica through Holly's Lite Brite and the kids were able to rescue them from the Upside Down. Vinyl Figure, Rare. So much has happened since you left. When Nancy was cursed by Vecna, Max attempted to assist the group find music to play, but informed Erica that they could not find anything. Three months later, the Byers family moved out of Hawkins after being relocated to California by Dr. Sam Owens; Nancy and Jonathan tearfully parted ways, though remaining committed to staying together. Status Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, Nancy's 5 Best Traits In Stranger Things (& 5 Worst), Millie Bobby Brown & 9 Other Stars Who Broke Out On Netflix, 5 Times Eleven Was The Best Stranger Things Heroine (& 5 Times It Was Nancy), Nancy and Steve do awful things to each other, 5 Reasons Why Nancy Should Be With Jonathan In Stranger Things (And 5 Reasons She Should Have Stayed With Steve), 15 Most Heartwarming Scenes In Stranger Things, The Walking Dead: 10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Negan, Grey's Anatomy: 10 Derek Shepherd Plot Holes That Make No Sense, Game Of Thrones: 10 Things From The Books About Daenerys That The Show Changed, 15 Best Historical K-Dramas, Ranked (According To IMDb), 10 Best TV Shows Like Hulu's Tell Me Lies, The Vampire Diaries: Elena's 10 Cringiest Parts (According To Reddit), Wil Wheatons Cameo Mistake Is One Of His Favorite Big Bang Theory Moments, Henry Cavill Responds To House of the Dragon Season 2 Casting Rumor, Why The New Battlestar Galactica Series Will Have To Be Very Different. 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