According to Bursar Office, following table is for a MSDA student taking classes in Spring 2023. In addition to the state tuition fees (based on the number of enrolled units), non-California resident surcharge fees (currently $396 per unit) might be applicable. The deadline to apply for a Special Session Scholarship is May 1, 2023. Please refer to FAQ:What are DATA 200 and the Waiver Test? Features a comprehensive curriculum jointly developed by the College of Business, DATA 298Bis the second part of the masters project course in which each student completes an in-depth written project to achieve the program outcomes and satisfy the programs culminating experience requirement. There is no guarantee that a transfer-applicant will be admittedto the MSDA program. to build models for descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive analytics. The MS in Data Analytics program is offered through two different sessions: Regular Session and Special Session. Candidacy includes successful completion of the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR), described in this catalog. Applied Data Science is developed in partnership with industry experts from Silicon data sharing and ownership, and conflict of interest. their knowledge and skills through the integration of: Interdisciplinary Curriculum:Features a comprehensive curriculum jointly developed by the College of Business, The courses are designed and taught by our renowned SJSU faculty, which means that Outstanding Faculty:Academic and industry experts provide students with aindustry-alignedcurriculum Please follow theApplication steps to apply for the MSDA program. For a list of frequently asked questions, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questionssection. nearly everywhere! John Elder, Elder Research. For you to participate and receive credit from online classes at San Jose State University, Learning from data is virtually universally useful. Refer to the FAQ's section for the cost of regular session courses. paradigm, big data mining, and big data platforms. more motivated than ever to succeed. from the State of California, the MSDA program offers two plans: regular session and methods and practices. problems by immersing them in the full data analytics process lifecycle. The student is responsible for securing the commitment of a full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty member who agrees to serve as the thesis committee chair. MSDA is designated as a STEM program. Affordable Education:There are 10 courses, for a total of 30 graduate-level units, to fulfill the requirements Conditionally admitted students may choose to skip this test if they already know they want to enroll in DATA 200 in Spring 2023. Join us to learn more about how our SJSU Online degree completion programs can transform your life! Completing our program will enhance your ability to: Research big data technologies and trends including large-scale databases, map-reduce Students can be admitted in either classified or conditionally classified standing. agreement provides online students with consumer protection. information systems. To be admitted to classified standing, the successful applicant must have earned a bachelors degree from a regionally accredited institution and achieved a GPA of at least 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) in the bachelors degree institution or in the last 60 semester or 90 quarter units of all coursework. All required documents must be submitted to, ection. Integratemultidisciplinary knowledge to engage in practical data analytics projects,from Applying programming, statistics, database, data mining, and machine learning technologies to build models for descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive data analytics. Demonstrate professional and ethical responsibility in data ownership. Affordable Education:There are 10 courses, for a total of 30 graduate-level units, to fulfill the requirements For any additional information, please email your inquiries to on What should be my computer configuration for taking classes? The status of a student who has passed the Waiver Test or the DATA 200 class will be changed from Conditionally Classified to Classified at the end of the Spring 2023semester. For other questions, send an email to to make sure you meet the eligibility criteria. If I am denied by another program, can I transfer my application to the MSDA. economic, educational and socialwell-being in diverse and multicultural local,national Enter your email address and password to get started: Share SJSU Online Degree Programs Virtual Info Session, Share SJSU Online Degree Programs Virtual Info Session on Facebook, Share SJSU Online Degree Programs Virtual Info Session on Twitter, Share SJSU Online Degree Programs Virtual Info Session on LinkedIn, Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering, School of Information Systems and Technology, SJSU Online Degree Programs Virtual Info Session, Discuss how we will work with you to assess transfer credits, Help identify what degree program is right for you, Information Science and Data Analytics, BS, Interdisciplinary Studies, Educational and Community Leadership, BA. Due to the unique nature of the MSDA curriculum, each student should be able to access a laptop computer with the minimum configuration of, CPU: Core i7 (preferred) or Core i5 Career-Aligned Opportunities: More than 110 Silicon valley commpanies have hired MSDA students and graduates have Special Session iscompletelyfunded from studenttuition, anditdoes not receive any financialsupportfrom the State of California. Regular Session and Special Session students must meet the same graduationrequirements (e.g., same required courses, same number of elective units, same total number of units to graduate),and they will receive the exact same diploma when they graduate. Students with a focus in Data Analytics and Data Driven Decision Making select nine units from the following list of courses (rotations shown are for special session): INFO 246 Information Technology Tools & Applications (Advanced) Students can choose up to 6 units from the following INFO 246 courses Big Data Analytics and Management (every fall) development and evaluation of tools for assisting people in cybersecurity, human factors RAM: 16G Bytes DATA 298Ais the first part of the masters project in which students develop a comprehensive plan and preliminary design of a data analytics project. Take a look at some of the top sectors, top companies, and examples of job titles The classes of both MSDA sessions are taught by the same instructor pool at the same location. Identify, use, and evaluate current and emergingmultidisciplinary data analyticstechnologiesand Students opting to complete a masters thesis will take the DATA 299Aand DATA 299Bas a two-course sequence. Please refer to FAQ What is the department policy on admission conditions? What should be my computer configuration for taking classes. What academic backgrounds do MSDA students have? Potential career roles for graduates Learning from data is virtually universally useful. For Acedemic year 2021-22, tuition and fees cost to complete all 10 special session courses is $22,500. Academic Programs, San Jose State UniversityOne Washington Square,San Jose, CA 95192408-924-1000. on What is the department policy on admission conditions? Join us to learn more about how ourSJSU Onlinedegree completion programs can transform your life! San Jos State UniversityOne Washington Square,San Jos, CA 95192, College of Professional and Global Education. The individual admission notification will explain the required terms and conditions for attaining Classified standing. Regular Sessionstudents pay campus mandatory fees and are eligible to take advantage of San Jos State University student services, such as Santa Clara County transit services, student body organizations, student health care, and recreational facilities. When completing the final part of the application marked Program Materials, click Regular Session is state-supported and state-subsidized. Useful Links for International Students fromGraduate Admission and Program Evaluations. their knowledge and skills through the integration of: Interdisciplinary Curriculum:Features a comprehensive curriculum jointly developed by the College of Business, If I am denied by another program, can I transfer my application to the MSDA? All eligible new students who have been admitted or are pending admission to the MLIS Special Session, MARA or Informatics graduatedegree programor the BS in Information Science and Data Analytics undergraduate majormay apply for the Special Session Scholarships. UsingPreziorPowtoonor any similar tools (such asemaze), creatively build a presentation that showcases your skills (e.g., technology skills, organization skills, research skills, and other skills you may have),and illustrates your commitment to one of the following themes: Entries will be judged by the School of Information Scholarship Committee based on creative presentation in the form of descriptive text, data points, visual elements, and your overall ability to convey your thoughts on one of the topics described above. range of $223,000, according to Glassdoor. Some turn reflective, while others report feeling and Source under the Source selection. While conditionally classified, students are only allowed to enroll in the remedial course(s) and those courses pre-approved by Graduate Advisor. If you need assistance in deciding between the two sessions, please Academic and industry experts provide students with aindustry-alignedcurriculum additional students to meet industry demands with the limited amount of funding received from the State of California, the MSDA program offers two plans: regular session and Potential career roles for graduates organizational objectives. San Jos State UniversityOne Washington Square,San Jos, CA 95192, College of Professional and Global Education, Learning from data is virtually universally useful. The thesis must meet university requirements as stipulated in this catalog and in the SJSU Masters Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation Guidelines. organizational objectives. to many functional roles and skills. What are the differences between Regular Session and Special Session? Engaging in the development, validation, and monitoring of data analytics systems to meet requirements and objectives. PayPal, Tesla, Uber, Visa, VMWare, Waymo, etc. It will be written under the guidance of the candidates thesis committee chair with the assistance of the thesis committee. Its students have earned their B.S., M.S., and/or Ph.D. degrees in computer science, engineering as well as natural, health and other sciences from Brown, Carnegie Mellon, Columbia, Cornell, Georgia Tech, Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Michigan State,Oregon,Penn State, Stanford, Virginia Tech, Washington, California State University(East Bay, San Bernardino, San Jose),University of California (Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Diego, Santa Barbara), Indian Institute of Technology,National Taiwan University, State University of Campinas (Brazil), Tsinghua University (China), University of British Columbia (Canada), as well as other U.S. and international universities. and a wide range of practical knowledge and experience in data analytics. College of Health and Human Sciences and the College of Science. There are 10 courses, for a total of 30 graduate-level units, to fulfill the requirements your state of residence must have a reciprocity agreement in place with CSU. Master it and youll be welcomed A studentwhofailsthe DATA 200 class in Spring 2023 will have one and only one more chance to enroll and pass this class in Fall 2023. Information science and data analytics focuses on the analysis, management, and interpretation of data to make informed decisions about creating, replacing, improving, or understanding information systems. Students can opt to pay the same student fees as Regular Session students if they wish to accessstudent services, such as Santa Clara County transit services, student body organizations, health care, and recreationalfacilities. No additional cost will be charged to an applicant to transferdenied application to the MSDA program. Potential career roles for graduates include data analyst, data administrator, business intelligence analyst, and information research scientist. Regular Session is state-supported and state-subsidized. data analytics in almost all industry domains. (Please visit the FAQ section of this site before choose which session you wish to and activities. Visit the Health Advisories website for the latest vaccination and mask information and to Report a Case. The scope of this test includes Python language, data structures and algorithms. For more information about the program, please visit: The Master of Science in Data Analytics (MSDA) program offered by the Department of Regular Session is state-supported and state-subsidized. More than 110 Silicon Valley companies (Please visit the FAQ section of this site before choose which session you wish to apply for.) to learn more about the program and the application process. Understand health data and standards, electronic health records (EHR) and other healthcare Six units 200-level elective courses selected in consultation with the graduate advisor. special session. Its students have earned their B.S., M.S., and/or Ph.D. degrees in computer science, engineering as well as natural, health and other sciences from Brown, Carnegie Mellon, Columbia, Cornell, Georgia Tech, Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Michigan State. Both plans provide students with the same curriculum and diploma, but have differenttuition and fees. The program is designed to serve students from diverse academic and professional special session. All new Special Session students who have been admitted or are pending admission to the MLIS, MARA or Informatics graduate degree programfor fall2023 and have an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.2 are eligible to apply for a Special Session Scholarship. For a complete list of application feescannotbe refunded. analyzing requirements to managing data, building models, presentingresults, and you will earn the same quality degree as all of our SJSU graduates and have the same The scholarship committee members will notify therecipients by early June2023. nearly everywhere!. University isnota guarantee that the program will occur. In order to enroll Students must be actively enrolled to receive scholarship funds. analyzing requirements to managing data, building models, presentingresults, and Perform independentresearch in applying data analytics to specific domains. assessing societal impacts. The MS in Data Analytics program is offered through two different sessions: Regular Session and Special Session. Career-Aligned Opportunities: More than 110 Silicon valley commpanies have hired MSDA students and graduates have Data Analytics is the designation for MSDA on Cal State Apply. For Acedemic year 2021-22, tuition dynamic, and practical data analytics problems in various professionaldomains. Capital One, Cisco, Facebook/Meta, Google/Alphabet, IBM, Intel, Intuit, Juniper, Lucid, DATA 270is a class of data analytics processes and satisfies the GWAR for this program. Enter San Jose State under the Campus selection, Spring under the Start Term selection, backgrounds. Please reviewtheAdmission Requirements to see what you will need to be admitted to the MSDAprogram. The cap on the number of Regular Session students who are accepted to the program each semester is related to the amount of money received from the state. Examine concepts, terminology, practice and application of DAM in the private and and practices, programming concepts and techniques, data structures, and system development College of Health and Human Sciences and the College of Science. tools. for internships and full-time positions, These companies include Adobe, Airbnb, Amazon, between domain data knowledge and emerging information technologies. Go toFrequently Asked Questions to learn more about the program and the application process. Regular Sessionstudents pay campus mandatory fees and are eligible to take advantage of San Jos State University student services, such as Santa Clara County transit services, student body organizations, student health care, and recreational facilities. The cap on the number of Regular Session students who are accepted to the program each semester is related to the amount of money received from the state. Resident Regular Session Special Session, Units Tuition Fees Others Total Tuition Fees Others Total, 1 $2,082 $1,079 $0 $3,161 $750 $0 $0 $750, 3 $2,082 $1,079 $0 $3,161 $2,250 $0 $0 $2,250, 6 $2,082 $1,079 $0 $3,161 $4,500 $0 $0 $4,500, 9 $3,588 $1,079 $0 $4,667 $6,750 $0 $0 $6,750, 12 $3,588 $1,079 $0 $4,667 $9.000 $0 $0 $9.000, Non-resident Regular Session Special Session, Units Tuition Fees Others Total Tuition Fees Others Total, 1 $2,082 $1,079 $396 $3,557 $750 $0 $0 $750, 3 $2,082 $1,079 $1,188 $4,349 $2,250 $0 $0 $2,250, 6 $2,082 $1,079 $2,376 $5,537 $4,500 $0 $0 $4,500, 9 $3,588 $1,079 $3,564 $8,231 $6,750 $0 $0 $6,750, 12 $3,588 $1,079 $4,752 $9,419 $9.000 $0 $0 $9.000. Outstanding Faculty:Academic and industry experts provide students with aindustry-alignedcurriculum San Jos State UniversityOne Washington Square,San Jos, CA 95192, College of Professional and Global Education, Learning from data is virtually universally useful. Today most organizations treat analytics as a strategic asset, and analytics is central to many functional roles and skills. includingcollaboration and presentation to multidisciplinary audiences. Applying programming, statistics, database, data mining, and machine learning technologies the College of Engineering, the College of Professional and Global Education, the environment. to learn more about the program and the application process. Visit the Health Advisories website for the latest vaccination and mask information and to Report a Case. backgrounds. Each conditionally admitted student is required topasseitherthe DATA 200 Waiver Test or the DATA 200 classofferedin Spring 2023. Also required isat least one semester each of college calculus, statistics, and a programming course. Please reviewtheAdmission Requirements to see what you will need to be admitted to the MSDAprogram. Applied Data Science is developed in partnership with industry experts from Silicon The program is offered in both regular and special sessions. Applying programming, statistics, database, data mining, and machine learning technologies For any additional information, please email your inquiries to, Three-Summer Master's Program in Music Education, Specialization in Smart Sustainable Energy Systems, Software Engineering, Specialization in Data Science, Software Engineering, Specialization in Cloud and Mobile Computing, Advanced Certificate in Strategic Management of Digital Assets & Services, Advanced Certificate for Collaborative Response to Family Violence, MSE Specialization in Smart Sustainable Energy Systems. Only pens and pencils and erasers are allowed to be on the table. When completing the final part of the application marked Program Materials, click on the blue Questions tab to choose between Regular Session Admission and Special Session Admission. part of a multidisciplinary team. Apply effective oraland written communication skills necessary for professional work Master of Library and Information Science, Master of Archives and Records Administration, BS in Information Science and Data Analytics, Student Professional Association Memberships, Center for Information Research and Innovation, Online Learning Consortium Quality Scorecard, Special Session Scholarships for New Students Application, Scholarship Recipients Find Application Process Fun, Bachelor of Science in Information Science and Data Analytics, Gateway PhD in Library and Information Management, A school within the College of Professional and Global Education, School of Information Scholarship Committee, impactingglobal and/or diversecommunities and organizations, showingleadershipthrough initiatives related to libraries or records or information environments or external professional associations, presenting data setsin an understandable way. Visit the Health Advisories website for the latest vaccination and mask information and to Report a Case. The cap on the number of Regular Session students who are accepted to the program each semester is related to the amount of money received from the state. The program is designed to serve students from diverse academic and professional meet requirements and objectives. Furthermore, students who do not pass the remedial course(s) on their first attempt, will be notified in writing that they are required to repeat the course(s) the following semester and that failure to pass the course(s) after a second attempt may lead to academic administrative disqualification. to many functional roles and skills. data analytics in almost all industry domains. the College of Engineering, the College of Professional and Global Education, the Please refer to Bursar Officefor official numbers. Master of Science in Data Analytics and global contexts. on the blue Questions tab to choose between Regular Session Admission and Special Session Admission. Each student must present a government-issued identification with a photo. This is a closed book and close note test. includingcollaboration and presentation to multidisciplinary audiences. have employed MSDA students for internships and permanent positions. tools. on What academic backgrounds do MSDA students have? This table just serve as a reference for Resident and Non-resident students. and AR/VR. nearly everywhere! John Elder, Elder Research. Master it and youll be welcomed Integratemultidisciplinary knowledge to engage in practical data analytics projects,from Javascript is currently not supported, or is disabled by this browser. Utilizequantitative skills from a rich foundation of essential knowledge to solvecomplex, Fill out this form to connect with an enrollment counselor and learn more about how This transformative program was launched in 2018. Discover how people react to cybersecurity policies and tools, reasons for behavior, on Cal State Apply. For Acedemic year 2021-22, tuition and fees cost to complete all 10 special session courses is $22,500. What are the differences of tuition and fees between regular- and special-session classes? Special Session iscompletelyfunded from studenttuition, anditdoes not receive any financialsupportfrom the State of California. Please be aware that in Students dynamic, and practical data analytics problems in various professionaldomains. Our program features courses in data science, cybersecurity, and user experience design Financial aid and scholarships available. Data Scientists in the Bay Area earn an average annual salary of $141,000 and an upper At SJSU, students must pass the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR). According to Bursar Office, following table is for a MSDA student taking classes in Spring 2023. Regular Session and Special Session students must meet the same graduationrequirements (e.g., same required courses, same number of elective units, same total number of units to graduate),and they will receive the exact same diploma when they graduate. The MSDA program will notify, applicants about the opportunity to transfer their applications. In order to enroll Discover how to assess data ethics and security in terms of privacy, data manipulation, San Jos State University PoweringSiliconValley, Powered by the Localist Community Events Calendar . No additional cost will be charged to an applicant to transferdenied application to the MSDA program. participating states and details on the regulation, please visit apply for. This program prepares students for a career in for a Master of Science in Data Analytics degree. Students must complete all residency, curriculum, unit, GPA, and culminating experience requirements as outlined in the Graduation Requirementssection of the Graduate Policies and Procedures. nearly everywhere!. Performing data exploration, preparation, visualization and governance. Master it and youll be welcomed The cap on the number of Regular Session students who are accepted to the program each semester is related to the amount of money received from the state. Identify user-centric information and data needs of diverse populations. on What are the differences between Regular Session and Special Session? A student who fails this test cant take another Waiver Test in a coming semester. for a Master of Science in Data Analytics degree. An applicant might be conditionally admitted to the program with a marginal deficiency in the above requirements. 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