@Shadyar8023It is up to staff to decide if a report can be withdrawn or not. @Scrapperadd my discord mills#0999 and send me the footage. Max fading doors (Per Base): 4 + 1 for raidable defense . In this situation, Swarles_Bridge does not break the fear roleplay rule because he is in a powered vehicle when being issued demands by Bear_Okazaki and has every right to drive off. Bear_Okazaki hops off his bike after calling for backup on radio and aims it at Swarles, to which Swarles drives forward in an attempt to escape this, and an elegy driven by Jordan_Moore is blocking the exit. Examples (but not limited to), where your characters life is NOT considered to be in direct danger: Regards, Direct danger could mean, for example, a gun aimed at your head or at you from close vicinity" and I wasn't given demands to stop and nobody was within close vicinity of me. Swarles_Bridge [92] - OOC Behavior | Sending slanderous pm's to the opposing gang member about their intentions on the server. Account ownership is non-transferable and is the property of the creator. Senior Support PopTarts. Administrator MarcoD& Senior Support thrax. Moderator mills, Jordan Moore here, I have no intention at all to block him as for me I was not paying attention at all that he is going out and I am really sorry for that they have already warned me do not do it and I didn't. With some of the most advanced gameplay scripts, you will not be disappointed with this server. The first turn is completely unintentional and in no way am I attempting to hit ID 161 nor did I even really hit him, the Alamo is ass and turns like a freighter. There was constant swerving, hitting and collisions, where it could have been absolutely avoided. im concerned why you don't have audio in your clip, PENDING RESPONSE Define Key Bindings For Eclipse Commands Tutorial. Due to this, a non-roleplay punishment will also be issued to Jordan_Moore [37]. By Our voice chat based server will provide you the best playing experience! Additionally, we would like the following questions answered: Hello, first of all I would just like to thank the ECRP Staff team for handling this report. Hello WARNING I PLAY ON A LAPTOP AND HAVE COOLING FANS VOLUME IN VIDEO IS LOUD, from My POV i saw you coming from a mile away but i was stuck in an animation that did not allow me to do anything about it, you should know this if you pick weed frequently, I could not pull out my knife do anything to rp overpowering you, so you approached me with you gun drawn telling me to put my hands up. This concept is most commonly used in DarkRP, but it is also used in other gamemodes such as HL2RP. Thank you for your patience and comments provided for this report. When the attackers view is obstructed by an object or when they turn their back on you. After reviewing this report and the evidence attached to it, we've decided to accept this report and issue punishment(s) to the following player(s): Swarles_Bridge [92] - Vehicle Deathmatching | Intentionally hitting another player off their bike when NOT in an active shootout. you just said get back to the store while you werent in store how should i understand that your are talking to us ? Fear Roleplay is the concept of showing appropriate care and concern to preserve your character's safety and life. turning his wheel into our elegy who was trying to get ahead of the chase. Additionally, after the player failed to comply with demands, the reporting player decidedto open fire on him due to their non-compliancewith the "demands", which in this context, it was a breach of the DM rules. There is absolutely no reason for him to insert himself into this situation and assume that nothing would happen to him, especially when being told to leave the area. Mafia City Roleplay. [@Scrapper] Jordan_Moore [37] - Please explain your side of the story and provide any additional evidence that you may have. This is when a person fails to roleplay properly, whether that be through going down an unrealistic route in history or intentionally disrupting the roleplay by trolling. Other player(s) involved: If a player informs you that your VOIP isn't working, you must either fix your VOIP using appropriate commands (/vr 1) or use text to deliver your demands and RP. This is not always the case and it is completely up to the handling administrator to decide. Fear Roleplay. We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. If a player's life is in direct danger they must RP adequate fear and comply with demands. If i saw it i would of stayed around and continued to RP as yes i understand the rules. This sort of ignores the entire character's background, and the very way how fear works in the first place. Fear roleplay is the concept of roleplaying fear for your characters safety and life. Also idk how it would be desync cause on my screen I saw the shots from the passenger with a pistol in her hand. Ephorize RP - Increase Performance & Reduce Stuttering. Eclipse Rp Gta V Roleplay Server. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. each day will be different than the one before. It's an action-based GTA Roleplay server, with lots of gangs and opposing factions to join. Both side would flee any battlefield before the first shot was fired. Followers 1. Niko_Carterwill be receiving aFearRP Punishmentfor the reportedincident. This caused my vehicle to instantly zero out. Sadly i dont have my POV, but in the situation you can see i left my bike started so i could take off if something goes wrong even if i trusted him, Second that in my pov i just heard him saying demands and didint even look at him and just took off. Instead of going straight /b save POV as you did, it would have been helpful for you to explain what the situation was. Best Gta 5 Roleplaying Servers Pro Game Guides. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. Senior Support Lightninbolt9 Examples of basic commands. you see him in the pov turning towards our member running him over Purposely. Specific rule (s) broken : 13. Told them both to get to the back of the store and they both decide to start shootin. Discord: https://discord.gg/tgcFpS9 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------After getting quite a few requests to do a v. Hello, I am ID 93 in this footage, )), https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/topic/132739-christopher_bridge-id-7-non-rp-player-theft-metagaming-nlr/, ((Screen shots of PM's, that made it clear was unwanted RP)), ((Unfortunatelymy recording softwarewas bugged and I don'thave any POV to provide.)). It can be accessed through the Rage MP client. Adhering to the Fear RP rule, you can only enter that shootout if you intend to use your car as cover, or to help a friend escape. Mafia City Roleplay Bot. By For example, running away when being robbed or . hours, this report will be concluded based on the evidence that has already been provided, to the best of our ability. Links - Link to my Roleplay G. Copyright 2023 ECLIPSE Roleplay PENDING RESPONSE Advanced scripts, voice chat, active administration and more! If you have received a punishment that you disagree with, feel free to file a punishment appeal following the punishment appeal guidelines and format. We would like to receive a response from the following player(s) to explain their side of the story: Notified in-game -Roland_Macfadden(44) - Please explain why you decided to shoot the reporting party instead of complying with their order when a gun was pointed onto your back at a very close range for a good two (2) seconds. If the requested player(s) does not respond within (24) hours, this report will be concluded based on the evidence already provided, to the best of our ability. In this case, you should have waited for them to finish their typing before you decided to bolt away and you must also RP said attempt with the fact of you being under gunpoint. Leave a comment if it helped you or if you have a question! 13. Other player(s) involved: N/A. With over 200 players you will never feel alone in the sunny city of Los Santos! Unix time stamp from HUD: 1673236271 One of the best Grand Theft Auto V roleplay communities! By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. The way money works is absolute garbage in eclipse RP. This is supposed to be a fun roleplay server where people can RP as gangsters but get off the game and continue with their real life. Basic Commands on GTA:World. The application process consists of several open questions related to our server rules and roleplay scenarios. Eclipse Rp Gta V Roleplaying Server. pulling a U-turn to purposely full speed turning and aiming for the sameMember he had previously hit running him over right off his bike. You all know to GIVE a reason when telling someone to save pov, you all have over 100k+ exp and are not new to the server. We aim for balanced gameplay through this rule, and it may not be representative of real life at times. Lead Admin. Player(s) being reported: ID 78 Don't encourage or force other member's to break any rules Do not break character when a rule is broken. which was also wrong. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Fear Roleplay (FRP) Fear roleplay is the concept of roleplaying fear for your character's safety and life. Continue. ainsi How do you join GTA Roleplay? Keep mixing IC and OOC away from the role-play, especially when referencing the rules. A player has the option to react if they are in a powered vehicle, if they already have a weapon drawn facing their attacker, or if their attacker's view is obstructed by an object. When youre in a vehicle that is stalled or turned off and a weapon is aimed at you close range. You will meet all sorts of new people from all around Los Santos. Date of interaction reported: 25/01/2023 Specific rule (s) broken: 13. Fear Roleplay (FRP) Player Reports. If an attacker lowers their weapon to type, victims which were under fear RP remain as so. Thats when my fellow gang members came to back me up. Shadyar8023, December 18, 2022 in Archive, Player(s) being reported: ID 56 I believe that ID 69 thinks that because he claimed to have a bomb, he was exempt to the fear rp rules of the server. Examples (but not limited to), where your characters life is considered to be in direct danger: When you are on foot or bike and a weapon is aimed at you at close range. (Words such as OOC, Fail RP, Rules, Meta, Bug, Stream, power gaming, and admin are examples.) Hello there TL;DR: fear can lead to a wide array of different reactions, other than "crying and shaking", but only this specific one seems to be considered good fear RP. This decision is final. @dineth1994 - Alex Drake (ID -) - Is there a reason to why your game does not have shadows at all? Powergaming - Doing something that you cannot do in real life as well as forcing role-play upon another player. A player has the option to react if they are in a powered vehicle, if they already have a weapon drawn facing their attacker, or if their attacker's view is obstructed by an object. After reviewing this report and the evidence attached, we have decided that this report cannot be concluded at this time. you probably played 10 minutes because its all about the community and well yes its kinda hard to get money but not impossible so if you want to get money then go to another server and eclipse rp is just as good as gta world mafia city and others thats why over 300people every day play it. Which gives plenty of reason for his friends to call 911, and have PD respond to your RV. I completely understand the limitations of typing in game but from my POV i did not see him typing. Join a massive english Grand Theft Auto V roleplaying community. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. Sign in The guide to making a character can be found here: Making a role-play character If you actively play a character, for any amount of time, a character sheet must be put up for said fictional entity within three days maximum. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. If the reporting party suffered a loss greater than $25,000 in value, feel free to file a refund request following the refund request guidelines and format. Players whose life is in direct danger must RP adequate fear and comply with demands given to them. now! Eclipse rp gta v roleplaying server 9sqljvm eclipse rp quiz answers transpa png 1000x400 free on nicepng eclipse rp gta v roleplaying server hd 9sqljvm eclipse rp quiz answers transpa png image nicepng com. he is clearly at this point using a vehicle as a weapon. This is considered taunting and baiting because the area IS populated OOCly with their gang members and Domonic proceeds to troll him and try to get a reaction out of him when standing completely alone in front of Swarles. The following people will be tagged/notified to give their side of the story within the next. By I was evading the police in a pursuit. Eclipse Roleplay Server Rules Pdf Google Drive. maybe it was bugged that i couldnt see the gun pointed at me and if i was told put your hands up i could understand that this is a robbery and a gun was aimed at me, you just said get back to the store while you werent in store how should i understand that your are talking to us ? @Alirezakhan So you have no evidence to back of your claim that his weapon was not out in your eyes? I player Eclips in 2018, believe me it was way worse. I won't be voiding the situation as there's no telling how it would've ended with an air unit and Redhot following you. What might help my case? 5th Edition Horror. We aim for balanced gameplay through this rule, and it may not be representative of real life at times. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. It's unfortunate but this is out of our control, it's simply a sync issue, as the video proves. Fear Roleplay (FRP) Fear Roleplay is the concept of showing appropriate care and concern to prese. so it's happened because he broke fear RP rule there. By Aug 25, 2016. I could not see you typing from my pov at the time I decided to run. O-Block is their HQ, that apartment complex next to Dutch St. As far as I am aware you are only allowed one HQ, now if that rule has been changed or if Meatshop is populated then the community should be made aware of this. GTSDeathClutch, December 21, 2022 in Archive, Player(s) being reported: ID 93 Direct danger could mean, for example, a gun aimed at your head or at you from close vicinity, by any player. Join a massive english You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. Fail RP / FRP. If the requested player(s) do not respond within. Examples (but not limited to), where your character's life is considered to be in direct danger: Examples (but not limited to . AdministratorSkiperz& Senior Support Icarus. "We call it the gorgon-in-a-box problem. If the reporting party suffered a loss greater than $25,000 in value, feel free to file a refund request following the refund request guidelines and format. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. Don't get caught or you will end up in prison. Therefore, playerStranger3801_7700/Mikhail_Hurezanovwill receive a punishment for their first offense of Fear Roleplay. I believe alex drake was using a 3rd party voice chat at the time but cannot prove it ive noticed in my clip when he talks it shows up on the side as his number in green on his clip there is no such hud if you will? And I would have just explained it to you but when I told you to save POV you said stop in /b so why would I try to explain it when you were being dismissive in /b. Provide your side of the story along with any evidence that you may have to back up your claims. Examples (but not limited to), where your characters life is NOT considered to be in direct danger: When you are in a car which engine is not stalled. Also, why did you return to your scene of death. Eclipse RP: The Worst Role Play Server In The History Of GTAV, true that eclipse is s h i t a f. jobs and scripts are cool in rp, but the rules are so stupid, does anyone knows a server with those systems but without rp boring rules? this all sounds really bizarre. I believe that when he lowered his gun stopped issuing VOIP demands and started walking i felt my life was in danger and i had a chance to run as there was no gun pointed at me any longer and he was not typing at the time. Your characters name: Kolt Chambers Administrator Harveyyy I decided to go to the store get a spray can and come back to meat shop to tag it. A player is not showing proper fear if they run while on foot/bike or in an unpowered vehicle and a weapon is aimed at them at close range, or if they drive into an active shootout more than once without the intent of providing cover or fleeing with it. Copyright 2023 ECLIPSE Roleplay If the requested player(s) does not respond within. In this report specifically, Domonic is on foot taunting a player at a populated area (IC and OOC) with no overwhelming force, essentially to annoy the opposing gang, show blatant disrespect to their faces, especially when told to leave 12 times and in the Chris Bridge report, Chris shows up to question Billy and ask/demand foran apology over something specific with an overwhelming force where they were geared with heavy weaponry and armor in case things went South because of their history. By Yes, because as you can see it in the evidence provided I've had a firearm on him at a very close range when he was searching his vehicle and then he closes his inventory and pressed ''F'' while I already gave him demands to put his hands up but he suddenly got on his bike and drives off so I thought I have enough escalation to shoot him because he wasn't on his bike when I gave him demands and it's Fear RP also his bike is an unpowered vehicle so he can't escape like this. The reason I claimed to have a bomb was so PD would keep their distance from me so I'd be able to make it to my vehicle and it worked. Roland_Macfadden ID 44 - Fear Roleplay (FRP). Your characters name: Chuck Mangione Mr. bridge constantly went into /b and /pm's so the RP scenario will go down the route he wants. Eclipse RP Features Show Off #1. Driving a vehicle in an active shootout more than once without the intent of protecting a friend, fleeing with it, or using it as cover. He did not make an attempt to negotiate with us, have us drop our weapons, etc. Other player(s) involved: Eve Donovan, Keavin Opele You were by yourself an no one had a watch on me with a gun pointed to me. i would like to also ask why is OTF command continuously using fchat and /pm to slander our gang. Unless instructed to, if you post another player report pertaining to this incident, you may be muted from posting on the forums for a temporary period. . All the possibilities are within your reach. Due to the above explanation, these punishments will be issued. Please explain your side of the story and provide any additional evidence that you may have. Powered by Invision Community. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. When hitting LSC one mechanic had pulled out his gun injuring my ally, upon starting to shoot that mechanic ID 78 started punching me even once the mechanic with the gun was injured showing no fear for his life as I had a gun he didn't. And dumb. When confronted to situations that could lead to PK, fear roleplay should be initiated, commonly abbreviated 'FearRP', which is the concept that your . The following players will be required to provide their side of the story from this situation within the next twenty-four (24) hours: [Josh_Weasley[ID 78]] - Please explain why tried fighting people with guns with your fists and did not comply with their demands. There is no further inquiry at this time. he then continues to run and attempts to ram Jafari off of his bike, and zig zagging all over the place. (ID 56) Niko_Carter- [Player Notified] - Can you please provide any footage you have of the situation and give your side of events that took place during this situation? 12. In the future should you find yourself under gunpoint, try and communicate with the offensive party to see what they want instead of claiming "no one communicated" that does not void the FRP itself. This was reported in game, but was not answered so it is being brought here. I am here to give you the rules of role-play, concerning death, new characters, and being IG (in game). Additionally, I would like to remind the reported party of FRP as it is not promising from their answer. Guns, drugs, poker - everything is here. How did the player break the rule (s)? Eclipse Roleplay is the most advanced Grand Theft Auto 5 roleplay server. Hector2Fingers, October 20, 2022 in Archive, Player(s) being reported: Billy_Valentine [ID 69] In addition, please answer the following: Do you feel that throughout this situation you had enough escalation and interaction with the player to warrant you firing at them? All parties involved must avoid interaction with each other for 30 minutes. 59,636 Members. Unix time stamp from HUD: 1671663784. DrWeeden, December 11, 2020 in Archive. Mark dm (Order #16727484) 5th Edition Horror Credits Author: Ismael Alvarez Editor: Troy Daniels Copy Editor: Lucus Palosaari Design: Rick Hershey Layout: Rick Hershey and Troy Daniels Fat Goblin Hoarde: Ben Dowell, Eric Hindley, Ismael Alvarez, J Gray, Jason Owen Black, Jeffrey Swank, John Bennett, Justice Mora, Kalyna Conrad, Kiel Howell, Kim Frandsen, Landon . Already have an account? If you have received a punishment that you disagree with, feel free to file apunishment appealfollowing thepunishment appealguidelines and format. Thankyou for watching! and "save pov", comments made from BOTH gangs. Direct danger could mean, for example, a gun aimed at your head or at you from close vicinity, by any player. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). In the fear-roleplay rules it directly states that: A player is not showing proper fear if they run on foot/bike or in an unpowered vehicle and a weapon is aimed at them at close range, of if they drive into an active shootout more than once without the intent of providing cover or fleeing with it, A player has the option to react if they are in a powered vehicle, if they already have a weapon drawn facing the attacker, or if the attackers view is obstructed by an object. Date of interaction reported:12/10/2020 Download the FiveM mod. Evidence of rule breach: Evidence of ID 78 returning to the scene giving information to the police that he should have lost. We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. Specific rule(s) broken: 13. The demonstrated behavior by the reported player and non-compliance with the demands is a clear violation of our FearRP rules. Swarles was not in a bike with no cover in close range, he was in a powered SUV that had covered him somewhat, allowing him to drive off as he did. We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. Hello guys, Sorry for the late response i didint think i was goin to get reported. Eclipse Rp Gta V Roleplaying Server. If you are feeling alone, get yourself a pet! Powered by Invision Community. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. Player(s) being reported: 92(frp, Vdm) , 10 (frp) I the reporting party would like to add, in the POV provided by Swarles, you can see again he is attempting to ram Jafari off of his drag purposely. (All while it is the most IC'ly populated area that our gang maintains and it is across from O Block, what was originally our HQ.) It was completely avoidable - considering a slight swerve to the left or right would have spared Domonic being hit off his drag. Upon arrest attempt, he claimed to have a bomb. Moderator mills,Senior Support Lightninbolt9& Senior Support Razza. I go to our HQ and Im by myself and thats when ID 92 rolls around, hits me and the rest of my gang shows up. You will often see this in search threads. If you don't have any evidence at your disposal, the best you can do is tell the story in full detail on how it happenedon your side. New life rule NLR. If you disagree with the outcome of this report, please file an appeal following the appeal guidelines and format. In addition to this, the roleplay being displayed of swinging at Swarles is not the kind of roleplay we would like to see, especially since swinging at him is being hostile without a weapon, in front of all their gang members - it is not showing any sort of fear for your life, especially when the person you are swinging at (Swarles) has a weapon on them that could be drawn at any time. Therefore, you were completely held under Fear RP, but you failed to comply with their orders and decided to shoot back instead. Again, please edit back your report and include the evidence. If you are leaning to the criminal side of los santos - be careful. doesn't make sense for you to keep telling us we need to fear you guys as well as constantly /b /pm to change the route of Rp scenarios. One of the best Grand Theft Auto V roleplay communities! Regards, If I broke FearRP here I sincerely apologize as that was not my intention but from my understanding of the rules, what I did was fair game. Gta V Rp Eclipse Roleplay Part 1 You. We would like to receive a response from the following player(s) to explain their side of the story: (ID 77) Shady_Williams- [Player Notified] - Can you please provide your side of events that took place during this situation in further detail if possible? As to realistically, there would be no typing in a situation but for server & game limitations and features, there is. There was no deliberate or malicious Fear RP, Rage Sync simply did not work in your favor I'm afraid. After reviewing this report and evidence attached to it, I've decided to accept this report and issue the punishments to the following players: [Josh_Weasley[ID 78]] - NonRP # 1 & 2 | Breaking FearRP & NLR - Fighting people with guns that are actively shooting with your fists is a complete disregard of your life. Representative of real life at times the story within the next Lightninbolt9 & Support... Right off his bike concept is most commonly used in other gamemodes such as HL2RP to get the. Ask why is OTF command continuously using fchat and /pm to slander our gang vehicle that stalled... Side of the best playing experience of his bike, and zig zagging all over the place your. 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