Joy also captained the team representing Great Britain at the 1936 Summer Olympics. Contact Info. Boys frequently perform in professional contexts and have sung with the London Symphony Orchestra, the Bach Choir and the Chorus of the Royal Opera, Covent Garden. Another boy has vivid memories of 'Marching through Georgia'. This growth enabled Canon Driscoll to build up a young and energetic teaching staff, many of whom would form the nucleus of Vaughan teachers for years to come. Most, If not all, are proud to have been 'Vaughan boys.'. Our most recent Ofsted report stated; "Leaders have developed detailed and appropriate curriculum plans, including in the sixth form. If you would like to view this content please Allow Cookies. 27 Jan 2023. By 1966 the then Labour government of Harold Wilson had committed itself to the policy of comprehensive education. Sixth Form. We have developed working partnerships with these schools to improve pupil outcomes and better secondary transition. Music aptitude tests will take place during the week which starts Monday 3rd October 2022. Sixth-form French and Art pupils attended a talk about Czanne (whom Picasso regarded as the father of his generation of artists)by one of the Tate Moderns art lecturers and then explored his work in the exhibition. If you selected it in one block, eg) HSC, ICT, Spanish you complete the Vocational V1 HSC folder along with the Vocational Sport, Vocational ICT and A Level Spanish folders. The final arrangements will appear on this website by 15 March 2023, once determined by the governing body. Perhaps the most loved of all teachers during these years was Mr Frank Handyside. My!' Welcome to the 2022 Bridging work to help you bridge the gap between Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5. Development of the facilities and resources of the School continued apace: in September 2000, a mezzanine floor in the Main Building was opened to Sixth Form pupils as part of the School's programme to improve facilities. Graham Wilding remembers 'gazing in awe when one sixth former, Rory McCurk, responded to Anthony Eden's appeal for Local Volunteers Oater the Home Guard) and came back armed with a rifle and three rounds of ammunition. Two more teachers appointed, Mr Creaven, who for a long spell was to be in charge of discipline, and Mr. Hamilton, the Senior Classics Master. Former pupils of this period almost universally acknowledge that the Vaughan influenced their lives in many ways. The staff took great confidence from the certainty of his support. This he did to an extraordinary degree. Pupils recall reading the Headmaster's notice, in May 1940, proudly announcing that an old boy, Officer Donald Garland, had been awarded the first Victoria Cross of the war to a member of the Royal Air Force, sadly posthumously. For details of our courses click on the subject links below: Cardinal Vaughan has an extensive programme of extra-curricular activities, from sports teams (incl. The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School's Post. We encourage our students to continue into further and higher education, training or employment and support them whilst they are with us to make the best possible choices and decisions for their future. Number of pupils 1027. Exciting and engaging enrichment activities. Garry Herbert OBE; Rowing Cox, Olympic Gold Medalist at the 1992 Summer Olympics and Gold Medalist at the World Rowing Championships in 1993. Students are given a general religious education lesson every fortnight in upper sixth-form. Maurice Edelston (1918-1976); Footballer and Sports commentator. At last, in 1995, the dream was Largely due to the efforts of Mr Frank McCettigan, former pupil, negotiations with the Rugby Football Union resulted in the new building. Our pupils enjoyed a thought-provoking assembly delivered by Most Rev Dr Jude Arogundade, Bishop of Ondo, southern Nigeria today. Hi CTMSW6, Wondering if you managed to get get any insights into CVMS Sixth form? A friendly, safe and supportive community. Paper forms should be returned by post to reach the school before the closing date. Our annual musical is also a highlight, with Sixth Formers taking on the lead roles each year. More seriously, the main School Hall had been declared a dangerous structure with the outer wall in danger of collapse. These included Fathers Clayton and Charlier, Mr Luke, Mr Honan, Mr Parkinson and Mr Kellet. Understanding and sympathetic, Mr Handyside was much loved by the boys. For sciences and computers? It is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 07890590. They were delighted with their friendly reception -- 'You British? Help me choose between Cardinal Vaughan and . John Sankey (later to have a distinguished career in the Foreign Office) recalls spending part of the last year of the war there. OUR ADMISSION ARRANGEMENTSOuradmission process, including the criteria we use when we are oversubscribed, is set out fully in the Admission Arrangements. Sixth Form. Windows were found broken each morning. J. Booth, Form 1b Dr Vance went so far as to set out special reasons for leniency: The boys of this School may be forgiven many trifling and minor offences: because of the absence of a playground and suitable means of recreation during the day; on account of long journeys to and from home which many of them have; because they have a large number of classes during the course of the day; on account of the considerable amount of homework which they have to do in the evenings before going to bed reasonably early. Now that you have received your GCSE grades and selected your courses it is important that you get prepared for returning to school. Has anyone received a conditional place for the sixth form in September 201? Despite all these difficulties the academic life of the School flourished during the six years at Windsor and more scholarships and awards were won in 1941 than in any previous year. Does retaking the alevel subjects affect the university's attitude in my admissions? Are you the applicant or a parent/carer applying on behalf of an applicant? The school is divided into four main buildings, Addison Hall, the New Building, the "Centenary Building" and the Pellegrini Building, the later two of which are adjoined on the main grounds on the west side of Addison Road, with Addison Hall (or the Old Building) on the east side of the road. All Catholics know that education should deal With the personality as a whole. Dont worry, just enter your email address and well set up with a new password in no time! Windsor was now overcrowded with evacuees and the Vaughan boys were greeted with less than enthusiasm. His title as Acting Headmaster must not be overlooked, as the school completed almost three years under the helm of Mr. Eynaud who guided The Vaughan to many successes both academically, in sport, music, the arts and many other ventures. Confession, three weekly Masses, Benediction, the saying of the Angelus at midday, the reciting of the Rosary during May and October; all these external aspects of the practice of the faith were strengthened during these years. Students have access to first-class facilities including science labs, ICT suites, quiet study areas and a large canteen. After the death of the third Archbishop of Westminster, Herbert, Cardinal Vaughan in 1903 an appeal was set up to raise funds to found a boys' school to be named as a memorial to him; some 20,000 was subscribed. src: Topical steroids are the topical forms of corticosteroids. Under Driscoll's guidance, the School slowly found its feet during the Great War. For various reasons, such as the reluctance of some parents to accept an evacuation arranged by the government, only 201 boys assembled in the Hall for the departure -- about two thirds of the School roll. Hampton Boys. The school does not select first year pupils on academic ability, but accepts pupils who are practising Catholics. When asked this question those who worked with him generally speak of his kindness and love of KFC. 1964); Footballer. If a boy finishes his school training as a Catholic gentleman, he will have qualities beyond price.' smoking a spliff the night before ur exam.. good, bad, or no effect? 26 Jan 2023. In the autumn of 1927 Canon Driscoll's health began to fail and he died December 29, at the age of 57. Whenever possible the master should wait for the boys, so that the boys will learn to hurry to their classrooms.' Collyer's sixth-form in Surrey is one of the state schools being engulfed by the deepening rape culture scandal An exterior view of Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School, which is the subject of claims . These plans ensure that the curriculum is ambitious for everyone. The School's athletes participate in regional and national competitions. A piece of land, some 6 acres (24,000m2) in North Wembley, was also purchased for playing fields, which were later exchanged for the present site at Twickenham, adjacent to the international Rugby Football Union ground. The children attend Mass on feast days and other special occasions from school. During the summer holidays of 1945 a party of Fifth- and Sixth- Formers spent several days helping to move the Vaughan back to Addison Road. One of the significant events of these years was the building of the new pavilion. He was strict with the boys where necessary, much like his predecessors, but, like them, he was also warm and generous 'They are but children,' he would often say. Like their parents and teachers, they teach by example; younger boys have the right to expect the very best example from these senior members of the School. He had served at the Vaughan during its evacuation to Windsor but his time as Headmaster was limited to four years because of his appointment in 1952 as President of St Edmund's, Ware. Represented both Arsenal F.C. These generally take place during the Lent term. The registered office address is Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education HQ, Barmston Court, Turbine Business Park, Nissan Way, Washington, SR5 3NY. The school fields seven Football teams and an equal number of rugby union teams. Many former pupils became international footballers, including Bernard Joy, Udo Onwere, Eddie Newton and Kevin Gallen. The rugby season commences in September with trials for all age groups. It seems incredible that such meetings had not been held prior to 1954 but the result was deemed 'everywhere most helpful, most instructive, most edifying . You will then receive a confirmation email and can login to submit the form. Where the appeal to fear succeeds it often generates at the same time both cowardice and evasiveness. The Schola has travelled widely abroad, singing in Italy, Spain, Greece, Holland, Germany, France and the USA. Complete your local authoritys e-admission form, available from your local authority (Year 7 only), We will acknowledge receipt of your online forms and request documents from you if applicable. Such as the UCAT, BMAT to study Medicine, Dentistry and other subject specific courses. The first all-ability intake entered the School in September 1977. History of the School. Some remarkable engineering took place to cure this problem. Follow the instructions below and in communications we send you. The first reference to a choir at the Vaughan is in 1937 and it . There is also a newly founded Geography Society who encourages younger pupils to broaden their understanding of the subject. The school is renowned for its traditions, one of which includes its uniform. Clad to know you! OP's posts: See all Add message Report There was genuine regret in 1952 when Father Butcher was transferred to St Edmund's. In 1947 Dr Vance expressed great fears about new entrants to the School: 'Boys coming to the School for the last two years from the elementary schools reached a terribly low standard having suffered from the vicissitudes of evacuation. In the autumn of 1980 she became the first girl to be enrolled at the School. Under his leadership the Vaughan's religious ethos was not merely reaffirmed but further developed, particularly in close partnership with Father Dominic Allain, the School's Chaplain from 2002. Father Butcher cared deeply for the religious life of the School and affected a happy union between the artistic and the spiritual. notable recruit was Miss Simpson who organised the preparatory department and was to serve the Vaughan for forty-two years. Although many of our students have attended Cardinal Hume in Year 11, we are an inclusive sixth form with a mission of service to the whole community, and every year receive a substantial number of applications from students who currently attend other schools. There was even a regulation about handwriting: 'No boy may write With his left hand unless he has received special permission from me as a result of a medical certificate received from his parents.' There could never be any doubt that one worked in a community directed by the values of the Gospel.' Tel: 0191 487 7638 Fax: 0191 482 4421 Email: In accordance with diocesan guidance, Catechumens or members of an Eastern Christian Church, have been added as an oversubscription group. They have featured in many film soundtracks including Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1, The Life of Pi and Paddington. This was first proposed in 1935 but it was 1937 before the move was finally completed. [Blog], University of Oxford 2023 Undergraduate Applicants Official Thread, NICS Staff Officer and Deputy Principal recruitment 2022. Most of the time was spent in unloading furniture and books and arranging them in the building. Sixth-form French and Art pupils attended a talk about Czanne (whom Picasso regarded as the 'father' of his generation of artists) by one of the Tate Modern's art lecturers and then explored his work in the exhibition. Were delighted that the Vaughan was chosen by the BBC to host an event last week. English folk have lesser faults.' Pellegrini, the first headmaster who was not a cleric, was appointed in 1976. A Flying Fortress made a forced landing on the meads and put four playing pitches out of use. Please adhere to the footwear requirements as stipulated in the uniform dress code. Vance became headmaster in 1928. Changing trains at Richmond, the boys guessed that the destination was Windsor. The Schola also visited Assisi and sang Mass in the Patriarchal Basilica of San Francesco. Cardinal Heenan is a mixed purpose-built sixth form that operatesin West Derby, consistently rated as 'Good' by Ofsted. To help YOU achieve YOUR aspirational next steps. Whenever there are more applications than places available, priority will Dr Vance was unstintingin his praise of the efforts of his colleagues. If you selected a vocational subject in two blocks eg) HSC, HSC, ICT then you complete the Vocational V2 HSC folder as well as the Vocational ICT folder. Looks like you are using an unsupported browser and may experience some issues. He issued detailed instructions to staff who were to regard the time at Windsor cas special work for the School and for the country in time of war'. He was a considerate and gentle man essentially, one who would always extend help in the event of difficulty and who loyally stood fully behind his staff. Hired at a salary of 200 per year, Canon Driscoll was appointed as the first headmaster. We are a friendly, safe and supportive environment where all of our students enjoy an excellent . ", "Students in the sixth form achieve well. In 2005 the choir returned to Rome giving a concert at Sant'Ignazio and singing Mass in St Peter's. Perhaps inevitably the campaign aroused strong feelings on both sides and positions Became polarised. Fewer than 3% of British state schools offer Latin & Classics, compared to nearly half of all independent schools. Secondly, he was the most visible of all Vaughan Headmasters, constantly seen in the playground and around the buildings, knowing every child by name. Dan van der Vat; Journalist, writer and military historian, with a focus on naval history; Martin Decabo; Bitcoin pioneer and former Deportivo de La Corua Professional footballer Deportivo de La Corua, Mark Langham; Cambridge University Catholic Chaplain, Media related to Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School at Wikimedia Commons. The foundations had well and truly been laid and a new era in the Vaughan's history was about to begin. There are cuubs and societies for chess, computers, philosophy and the like. In September 2005, magnificent new Music Rooms were opened by Sir Thomas Allen in the Main Building. 4 Teams
Under the Headmaster's guidance the staff made a collective decision to do all in their power to assist the children with learning difficulties, while at the same time they were determined to maintain the academic standards and high expectations of all the children in their care. While there were still many lessons to learn and some mistakes yet to be made, the transition went remarkably smoothly. Art was also rarely mentioned, the appreciation of which only came to be promoted outside the curriculum by Mr Kellett. At Cardinal Heenan Sixth Form were in YOUR corner. His greatest contribution was as a Form Master. They were extremely unpopular with the boys who considered that prefects and teachers expended a ridiculous amount of energy trying to make people wear them until the end of the third year. The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School is an oversubscribed Catholic boys' comprehensive school which admits girls in the Sixth Form. We hear of a Music Society being founded in 1935 by fifth and sixth form pupils. Tuition and funding for University Admission exams. The roll was steadily increasing and the question of recruiting a third form of entry was first discussed as early as 1955, but not finally agreed by the London County Council until December 1961, In February 1959 Cardinal Godfrey was able to announce to the Governors that negotiations were now in hand for the building of an entirely new Vaughan School. Mr Gormally was taken ill in 2008 and retired formally a year later in 2009. It was especially inspiring for Third and Fourth Form pupils as they begin to consider the subjects they want to take forward to GCSE. Graham Wilding remembers the kindness of one of his teachers: 'I can never see a Kit Kat without thinking of Miss Agnes Simpson, the only lady member of staff, who purchased a box full and distributed them among her group to allay the increasing pangs of hunger.' Which universities have the best modern language departments? Aled and Malakai's 'O Holy Night' video has since hit over 15 million views. Within the scheme for London schools, the Vaughan would become a Voluntary Aided Grammar School. Football. The Vaughan began to take pupils of all abilities in 1977 and became an all-ability school. The performance starred a talented cast of Lower School actors and music composed by Sixth Form students. This has been the case throughout the Vaughan's history and is true to this day. Under his inspiration and direction, there grew up a large programme of activities outside as well as inside the classrooms to interest the boys in the world's great artists, musicians and writers. Paul Parker (b. Contents 1 History 2 Uniform 3 Headmasters 3.1 Canon Driscoll (1914-1928) 3.2 Dr Monsignor Canon Vance (1928-1948) 3.3 Canon Butcher (1948-1952) 3.4 Monsignor Kenefeck (1952-1976) 3.5 Fr. Please click on the subject documents below to access the tasks. Cardinal Hume Catholic School Old Durham Road, Gateshead, NE9 6RZ. It certainly is this, and does more harm than most infectious diseases. Dr Vance was already well known as a scholar and a writer when he succeeded Canon Driscoll as Headmaster and to this day a bust of Dr Vance may be found in the present Headmaster's study. Cardinal Heenan is a mixed purpose-built sixth form that operates in West Derby, consistently rated as 'Good' by Ofsted. The question of a new building had occupied the Governors since the Vaughan had acquired voluntary aided status. In September 1997, Anthony Pellegrini was succeeded as Headmaster by Michael Gormally. At the heart of the campaign, however, lay a deep sense of frustration among the Vaughan parents. There are four houses named after Catholic figures, Campion, Fisher, Mayne and More. Those in the higher bands study Latin, those in the lower Classical Civilisation. The first lay master, M J. Cobb, joined in 1915 followed by Father Parsons, Mr Connell and Miss Ashlyn, the first female teacher. Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School Lower School Tie quantity. The choir has appeared on radio and TV broadcasts, including BBC Radio 4's Sunday Worship, Vatican Radio, and the religious choral programme Songs of Praise on BBC television. Show full version. v London Oratory School, 6 Teams
v Richard Challoner School, 2 Teams
Anthony Pellegrini (1976-1997) In September 1986 the Vaughan parents responded to the Diocese's formal approval for Secondary Reorganisation in the Central Area by establishing an Action Croup to oppose the proposals. x 1 A level chemistry help for a re-take student. Extra special thanks to Ms Drury, Head of Drama, Ms Georgiakakis, Teacher of Classics, Latin & Greek, and Ms Upton, English Teacher. Enemy raiders passed and repassed overhead in the night to Coventry and to Birmingham. Many members of the Upper and Lower Sixth are appointed senior or assistant prefects; we believe that this will help them to develop qualities of leadership and responsibility. Email: 24 Jan 2023. Camping? You can find our latestSixth Form Prospectus here. Ahead of Speech Day, we wanted to celebrate our teaching and support staff, many of whom studied and trained with us. This was not the case -- there were other very strong candidates -- but the Governors offered the role to Michael Gormally and he did not disappoint with his remarkable stewarding of the School over the next 12 years. After all, they themselves, many of them married men, had to endure the privations of evacuation and run a school at the same time. It is evident that this was largely due to the devotion of the staff in these difficult years. and Fulham F.C. The achievements in Physical Education were also very strong during these years. Anthony Pellegrini's personal Odyssey to the Vaughan was quite unique. What a wondeful field trip! Nevertheless, his achievements were considerable in their own right, his priorities as Headmaster summed up In a little booklet he wrote entitled 'A Talk to Parents of New Boys': 'No Catholic school would be fulfilling its purpose if its sole occupation were to push knowledge into more or less receptive heads. On one top in 1975, Father Henry Young 'who had been planning this top ever since he got back from the last one' took a group of sw.r-een In two Plymouth 8-seat estate cars on a trek across the mid- west. Thank you for all that you do for the Vaughan community. Whatever the reason, there developed a feud between the two schools which led to the Vaughan's lunch-break being shortened by thirty minutes to avoid clashes. Cardinal Hume Catholic School Mr. Gormally's time as Headmaster saw the Vaughan flourish in many ways. Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School - Policies & Documents School Policies We are a Catholic community, committed in our Mission Statement to the vision of the School as a spiritual building whose cornerstone is Christ and whose foundations are the Apostles and Prophets. There followed a two-year period, during which Charles Eynaud as Acting Headmaster ably steered the School with great dignity. Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School @CardinalVaughan. As well as his academic progress, Anthony's love of music was nourished and encouraged, Immediately after graduating from the London School of Economics he joined the Vaughan as a General Subjects teacher, teaching English, Religious Education and Mathematics. Hume Catholic School Old Durham Road, Gateshead, NE9 6RZ Hall had been declared a structure! All Catholics know that education should deal with the outer wall in danger of collapse the night to and... Boys, so that the destination was windsor registered in England and Wales under company registration number.. December 29, at the School and affected a happy union between the artistic the. May experience some issues pupils to broaden their understanding of the subject documents below to access the tasks Olympics! Mr Kellett we send you of use a thought-provoking assembly delivered by most Rev Dr Arogundade! Catholic boys & # x27 ; s Post with sixth Formers taking on meads. 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